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Account-based marketing (ABM)

Realizing the potential of seamless customer engagement for your biggest customers

Companies that do ABM well gain multiple advantages: stronger response to marketing outreach, bigger share of customer "wallets," shortened sales cycles, and better synchronization of marketing with sales and customer support.


The challenge is that few companies excel with ABM, especially when they try to scale what seems like bespoke engagements to more than a small number of customers.


The challenge is that bespoke does not lead itself to scale. What is needed is to apply the equivalent of "fast fashion" to ABM. 


And that is what Nimble Strategies does for our clients. 


Getting to smart ABM with speed = assessment + define future state + pragmatic roadmap 

We begin by conducting a rapid assessment of your ABM activities—how your team is organized, how content is developed, how customer accounts are researched as well as how those research findings are incorporated into your customer engagements, how you do lead scoring and pass leads to sales, what technologies you use and how you use it. And more.


We overlay that assessment with emerging best practices that we have gleaned from battled-tested experience to conduct a design-thinking workshop to plot out what your future-state could be, and then coach you through a prioritization exercise to come up with a pragmatic roadmap to get you from where you are today to where you could be.


In addition, we can tap our data flow architecture and technology experts to make sure you are getting the most out of your technology and data analytic investments so that you can truly realize the potential of high-impact, scalable ABM.

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